Burnt Toast
Hip Hop, Funk, Soul, Breaks, Eclectic Radio
The Burnt Toast Radio Show reflects Blackbeltjonez musical tastes and therefore the content of the show is ever evolving, though it will always be rooted in Soul, Funk and his one true first love; Hip Hop. Beyond this holy trinity, listeners can expect Disco, Reggae, Jazz, Exotica, Jungle and perhaps the occasional burst of Dire Straits or something of a similar ilk that may be labelled by some as a ‘guilty pleasure’ but to Blackbeltjonez ears will always simply be a pleasure. Having a radio show is, to our host, an extension of compiling and playing mixtapes for his mates and yelling “shut up – listen to this” when everyone’s talking.
So welcome along to Burnt Toast and please, shut up and listen to this…