Lima Soul Club
Marco Caballero, Fernán Muñoz Cortés, Mario Córdova Ramos
Monthly, Thursday 10pm-12am
Northern Soul, Soul, Latin, Mod Soul
The Lima Soul Club was founded in 2015. Fernán Muñoz Cortés, aka “El Pibe”, from Spain and Mario Córdova Ramos, aka “Tin Soldier”, both Mods created the club amid laughter and beers, with the aim of achieving a place to enjoy the music they love so much; Soul and its derivatives as well as having a place to share with friends.
After a few months they invite Marco Caballero aka “El Frenético” to join the project, who brings Latin rhythms along the line of Soul and the musical principles of the club. It has been 4 years since its foundation, many anecdotes, local DJs, USA, UK, Spain, Mexico, Chile, in short friends, who share the passion for these rhythms.
We are a resident club, performing bi-monthly parties in Lima to bring these rhythms to as many people as possible, without stereotypes or drop a distinctions. ¡Keep The Faith!